Thursday 31 July 2014


On Wednesday morning when I saw that the weather may go down the pan from tomorrow onwards I decided I must go out with the camera but where to go was the problem.In the end I decided to go to Midleton Hall again and see if the Pacific Golden Plover was any nearer.

It was a bit of a gamble going there because there had been no reports of it being present on the internet when I left home at 9.00 AM.There were only a few cars in the car park and none of the few birders I met up with on the walk had seen it that morning.Oh Dear ! !

When I got to the big screen at 10.00 AM I had a bit of luck a birder came over and said he'd just found it not down the path to the right of the screen but about 100m down the path that goes straight past the screen.I joined a couple of birders there and it could be seen through the reeds on the far bank.

I watched it till about 11.45 AM when as I was looking elsewhere of course it flew off.Managed a few shots that are a bit better than the last lot but not much better.Great to see again though.Lovely bird.

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