Monday 8 February 2010

A Bittern Video.

Here is a video I took last Friday with my 7D camera in the East Marsh hide at Brandon of a Bittern.

It has taken me ages to process to get it on YouTube mainly because I did not know what I was doing.New words kept appearing "Codec","Containers" etc when I was trying to convert the original into a format accepted by YouTube.

The trouble is the quality deteriorates when you process the original and makes it hardly worth the effort.I'm probably still doing things wrong.Anyway here it is totally unedited so warts and all.The background chat is amusing and there is a load of camera shutters going off.The jump in the middle is me taking a still shot.

1 comment:

Kevin Groocock said...

Well done with your video, Max. Like everything, practice is the key. Love the Cettis at the start. I guess the comments at the end mean some poor sole just missed the Bittern?

I shall look forward to more.